May 11, 2015
Nearly a third of Brits would rather lose a finger than their broadband connection
According to a report by technology comparison website, nearly a third of British people say they would rather live without one of their fingers than without access to the internet and a further quarter couldn’t choose between the two. According to the study of 2,500 British residents, when asked if they had to live their life without either one of their fingers (the report doesn’t say which, although that would surely make a difference) or their internet connection which would they choose, one in three (29 percent) said they would rather lose a finger, while a further 25 percent claim they couldn’t decide between the two. They’re not alone in believing in the indispensability of broadband. In February, a House of Lords committee recommended reclassifying broadband as a public utility.
May 11, 2015
Does declining productivity spell the end for IT and property directors?
by John Blackwell • Comment, Facilities management, Property, Technology, Work&Place
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