Search Results for: office

Employees avoid telling employers about less visible disabilities

Employees avoid telling employers about less visible disabilities

The silhouette of a group of four people in an office window overlooking LondonTwo in five (43 percent) employees with a less visible disability haven’t disclosed it to their employer, according to a new poll.  The research from healthcare provider Bupa claims that not wanting to ‘cause a fuss’ (30 percent) or be treated differently (25 percent) were the key reasons for keeping their condition to themselves. Nearly a quarter of those affected (23 percent) haven’t told their employer about their condition due to worries that they wouldn’t be believed, while one in five (20 percent) expressed concerns that their disability might impact their career opportunities. More →

Let battle commence. Here’s Works magazine issue 3

Let battle commence. Here’s Works magazine issue 3

A picture of a great office from Works magazine 3Without wishing to sound overly dramatic, welcome to the greatest workplace battle of the decade. (And one we’ll continue to cover on Insight, IN Magazine and Works, issue three of which you can find here – and very nice it is too.) When Elon Musk recently called on all Twitter employees to ready themselves for ‘long hours at high intensity’ or to leave, he basically – in his own inimitable style – dispensed with the niceties but said what some others really would like to say to their own people. More →

Always connected in the age of disconnection

Always connected in the age of disconnection

All of humanity’s problems,” the French scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote in 1654, “stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” He may have been right, but then again, sitting in a room alone isn’t necessarily a great state of permanent being either. There was a time we used to talk with dismay about the Japanese phenomenon of intense social distancing known as hikikomori. We would consider with horror the isolation, lack of engagement with society, poor mental health and loneliness of the people who had almost completely withdrawn to their rooms. Those poor bastards locked up in enclosed spaces linked to the outside world only by screens. More →

Majority of firms currently using technology to plug talent gaps

Majority of firms currently using technology to plug talent gaps

In the face of hiring and skills issues, 77 percent of UK organisations say they are finding ways for technology to do jobs formerly performed by people, according to a new poll from Rackspace Technology.  According to the survey, two thirds (64 percent) of UK companies are downsizing their staff, facilitated by technology, out of a necessity, with roles in customer service the most likely to be automated, as identified by 70 percent of business decision makers – followed by IT operations (62 percent), sales and marketing (57 percent), business operations (56 percent), and HR and admin (56 percent). More →

The roots of modern ergonomic seating go back to the late 19th Century

The roots of modern ergonomic seating go back to the late 19th Century

An illustration of how ergonomic seating can help people work in different waysAlthough the invention of the swivel chair – and by extension ergonomic seating – is largely credited to Thomas Jefferson, the roots of its industrialisation and our modern approach to ergonomics lie in Europe. It was here nearly one hundred years ago that Albert Stoll first introduced the world to the Federdreh, the legendary chair that is the common ancestor of every task chair that has followed. More →

Herman Miller Aeron Chair now with ocean-bound plastic in all available colours in Europe

Herman Miller Aeron Chair now with ocean-bound plastic in all available colours in Europe

Herman Miller Aeron chair and tableOffice furniture giant Herman Miller has launched its iconic Aeron Chair in Europe with ocean-bound plastic (OBP) in all available colours. This change builds upon the momentum created by the successful introduction of ocean-bound plastic in Aeron exclusively for Onyx, the ultra-black shade, in September 2021. the Herman Miller Aeron with ocean-bound plastic is now available in a harmonious colour palette which centres on elements pulled from the earth. Onyx is a dramatic ultra-black shade, Graphite is a distinctive dark grey, Carbon is a balanced neutral that works equally well in warm and cool environments, and Mineral is the lightest shade illuminating Aeron’s finer points, ideal for open floor plans and spaces. More →

TRILUX energy efficient lighting proves fit for the flexible, inclusive workplace of the future

TRILUX energy efficient lighting proves fit for the flexible, inclusive workplace of the future

The reception area of the new TRILUX installation for JLLA new installation at 20 Water Street in London allows a world leading, real estate services company to create a user-friendly, innovative workspace. The impressive downlight range from TRILUX opened the door to a complementary, tech-smart sustainable workplace lighting scheme – fit for the future of work.  Global real estate advisor JLL’s new Canary Wharf office is in one of the most sustainable buildings in the UK. It recently relocated some of its London-based teams to the second and third floors at 20 Water Street, Wood Wharf. The move is part of its commitment to shaping the workplace for its employees, providing a flexible and inclusive work environment underpinned by a sustainable and technologically advanced workplace that boasts excellent connectivity and amenities. More →

The unspoken privilege of wellbeing

The unspoken privilege of wellbeing

Two women talking in a pleasant and well designed office, one on a bench the other a swing, to illustrate the importance of wellbeingI sat in the main hall at a recent conference, listening to the keynote presentation. A Head of HR at a large manufacturing company described the implementation of their wellbeing strategy over the last year. So far, so important. There is no doubt that the conversation around wellbeing has been rightly amplified, as employees are seeking to gain and maintain more life in their work-life balance. However, as I sat there listening, I became uncomfortable. Seriously uncomfortable. Then I became cross. More →

Inconsistent flexible working strategies drive people away from businesses

Inconsistent flexible working strategies drive people away from businesses

A group of people in a shared flexible working / coworking spaceA new poll of 3,450 people in a dozen countries from Unit4 claims that around two in five organisations have lost employees over the last year because they believed they would enjoy better flexible working options elsewhere. While most firms now have a formalised approach to flexible working, the report claims that policies vary enormously, exacerbating the challenge of recruiting and retaining people for those firms with an inconsistent approach.  More →

Half of small business owners have no fixed working hours at all

Half of small business owners have no fixed working hours at all

A smiling small business owner works at a laptop with coffeeA new report from Samsung suggests that the stereotype of the typical small business owners as a person who work around the clock is outdated. Around half of full-time business owners in the UK say they have no fixed work hours at all, preferring a fluid workday set up. One-third (31 percent) of business owners also said they commit to fewer than 7 hours as a typical core working day, preferring to work when optimal to their businesses. More →

The workplace circus continues to entertain, but back in the real world…

The workplace circus continues to entertain, but back in the real world…

A painting of a clown sitting alone, waiting to enter the workplace circusThe Great Workplace Circus headlines its 322nd show of the year with everybody’s favourite distraction, Elon Musk, being driven into the ring by his own shoddily built clown car, declaring he needs everybody at Twitter to be ‘extremely hardcore’ before sacking a few people from his space programme, then setting fire to the tent himself. The swarm of stories spawned by this extraordinary behaviour include this tired and predictable rant in the Telegraph about ‘lazy Brits’. Ironically, there’s nothing lazier than a columnist on this rag with some space to fill. More →

The four day week and a case of less is more

The four day week and a case of less is more

four day weekWhen a pilot programme for a four day week was announced in the UK early in the New Year, #4dayweek trended for days on twitter, with jokey comments on how employees taking part in the trial should do everything not to ‘f*** it up for the rest of us.’ But behind the humour there’s a real issue with productivity in the UK. Recent Office for National Statistics reveals that while productivity grew across all G7 countries during the pandemic, the UK experienced the largest falls in GDP growth and an increase in the number of hours worked. More →